
to place your hands together symbolizing that you recognize the source of all creation in another, to make yourself into an offering.


Reverb Yogi…

is the result of my journey in the art of finding presence and wellbeing; peace in the midst of struggle. It’s a vehicle for me to share with you, the way in which both Yoga and sound have touched my life.

I’ve spent my lifetime studying the vast spiritual traditions of the world, and that knowledge laid the foundation for me to receive spiritual experiences myself. For 15+ years I’ve continued practicing yoga and meditation daily, while absorbing wisdom from masters around the world and across time. While neither I, nor anyone, can pass on direct knowledge of an experience, my goal is to provide the space and atmosphere for others to feel and discover it for themselves.

May you know the art of simply being, may you see it firsthand.

Vinny. _/|\_